
44. List of All Entries of this Blog: World Development of the Euro-American Association of Economic Development Studies


Entries of year 2024

Entries of year 2023:

Entries of year 2022:

Entries of year 2021:

Updates of  old Entries in year 2021:Entry 42, of year 2020, has been updated on 8th May of 2021 with the evolution of average weekly deaths by Covid19 in 8 OECD countries (United States, Mexico, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France, Spain and Switzerland)  for year 2021 until the first week of May.

Entries of year 2020: 41 to 44

Entries 31 to 40, years 2018 to 2020. To access to each Entry, click on the corresponding row at this table.  

Entries 22 to 25. Years 2013 to 2016.

Entries 16 to 21. Years 2011 and 2012

21. Economist Maria-Carmen Guisan in New York Times. Room for Debate: Austerity Policies are not working in Europe, 12th November of 2012.

20. Industrial Production and economic crisis in the European Union, year 2012

19. Economic Development, Industry and Production by Sector in American Countries, 1980-2010

18. Impact of Trade Deficit on crisis and drop of Industrial production in the USA and 5 European major countries: France, Germany Italy, Spain and UK

17 Crisis, Development, Voice of Good Economists in Greece, Portugal and Spain, and comparison with other OECD countries. Euro-American Association Development Report 2011.

16. Euro-American Association of Economic Development: Comments on poverty, world development and the book by P. Collier "The poverty bottom billion"

Entries 5 to 15. Years 2009 and 2020

15. Employment in Social Services in OECD countries: Europe, United States and Japan. Euro-American Association Report 2010.

14. European Universities: Reactions to abuses and misuses of bibliometrics and bureaucracy in evaluation of researchers

13. Comments on Krugman´s views of Spanish economy: Salaries are not to blame and should not diminish. Productivity should increase.

12. Euro-American Association on Education and Government Quality: Clerc´s story of a frog against social manipulation

11. Report 2009: Years of Life Lost and Health Expenditure in the United States, Europe and other OECD countries. Euro-American Association of Economic Development Studies

10. Report 2009: On Spain, the United States, Trade Deficits and top Current Account Balances. Euro-American Association of Economic Development Studies

9. Latin America 2000-2007: The Role of Investment, Industry and Foreign Trade in economic development. Euro-American Association of Economic Development Studies

8. China, India and other other Asian Countries: Articles by Nobel Prize L.R. Klein and other authors, published by the Euro-American Association of Economic Development Studies, 2001-2005

7. World Development Reports free on line 2001-2005. Euro-American Association of Economic Development Studies

6. Cooperation with ICFAI Books of India and other news for readers. Euro-American Association of Economic Development Studies, 2009.

5. Education, Quality of Government and Development in Europe, Eurasia and North America. Euro.American Association of Economic Development Studies, 2009

Entries 1 to 4. Year 2008.