
15. Employment in Social Services in OECD countries: Europe, United States and Japan. Euro-American Association Report 2010.

 Countries: Mexico, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, UK, USA, Japan, Finland and Switzerland

This graph shows the number of employed persons per 1000 inhabitants in services related with Education, Health, Public Administration and Other Social and Personal Services, in 10 OECD countries in year 2005:

We may notice that  in a first stage, with the lowest values, are Mexico, Spain and Italy. A second stage correspond to France and Germany, while a third stage correspond to the United Kingdom, the United States, Finland and Switzerland which are in a higher level. Finally Japan shows the top position of this group of 10 OECD countries.
The number of employed persons varies from less than 100 per thousand people in Mexico to more than 200 in Japan, with an intremediate position around 150 in the UK, the USA, Finland and Switzerland.
It is important to notice that a high number of people in social services, and the quality of their work, is of uppermost importance for social wellbeing and development.