Source: Guisan and Exposito(2020). Applied Econometrics and International Development, Vol.20-2
IDER 22. International Development Reports of year 2022
Final version published in Guisán(2025b), EcoDev 128. Initial version published in Entry 47 of
IDER 22-1.CO2 Total Emissions in the World 1970-2015
It includes some contents of Total CO2 Emissions, Population and CO2 per capita, presented in the articles:
Guisan and Exposito (2020), AEID 20-1.
The article by Guisan and Exposito(2020) shows that 87% of increase in Total World CO2 Emissions, for the period 1970-2015, was due to Population Growth while the World average of CO2 Emissions per capita explains only 13% of the total increase. Besides it is important to have into account the effects of Wild Fires, because excluding the effect of those fires, the average per capita diminished from 4.23 to 4.0 Tm per inhabitant.
The empirical evidence shows that it is important to foster international cooperation for increase financial help to education in low income countries, because it is the best way to get sustainable development with moderation of high rates of population growth and improvement of economic development, health assistance and poverty eradication.
The main industrialized countries of the European Union have diminished, not only in per capita terms, but also CO2 Total Emissions, given is moderate rate of population growth. Total Emissions of CO2 have diminished by 475 million Tms in a group of 6 industrialized European Countries (France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Spain), for the period 1970-2015.
More information
EPA. United States Environement Protection. Agency. Gobal Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data.
IDER 22-2. Industrial Production by Sector in France, Germany, Spain and the United States, in year 2015.