This table includes indicators of 22 countries with Population over 67 million people, in comparison with World average. IDER report 24-4 in the article of Volume 24-2 of journal AEID includes a table with data for 164 countries.
"The main conclusion of the analysis of causality between development and financial indicators, with the sample of 164 countries in year 2021, where the following ones (as stated in the article by Guisan(2024) in AEID 24-1.
"The analysis of the estimated equation with the international sample of this study in year 2021, presents several empirical evidences:
1) DH: The level of economic development, measured by the real Gross Domestic Product per head (PH) usually has a positive impact on Deposits per head (DH)
2) BH: Economic development usually has an important effect on the supply and demand of Credtis (in most countries mainly Bank credits), and in the diminution of NPL. The increase of PH usually increases DH and diminishes NPL, contributing to increase BH.
3) In this cross-section study of 164 countries around the World for year 2021, and in other studies based on times series, the direction of causality from PH to BH usually is stronger than the impact of BH on PH, although there may be also bilateral causality when BH contributes to sustained increase of Investment and other factos that foster economic development.
International cooperation to development should be addressed to favor investment and diminution of financial risks in countries with low level of investment per capita, as pointed out in Guisan(2024 a) and other studies. Financial support for sustained development may be of great help, both through direct investments, credits of other ones."